Thursday, November 6, 2008

I just looked over to the right..

I just looked over to the right of my page, on the section for advertisements, and there was an advertisement for swimming lessons. I know I swam a mile, but shit, I think the website was trying to tell me something. I need swimming lessons!

And the winner is...

Well, well. How about that. Pretty excited that the ol' Barrack Obama is the President of the United States of America. I am also pretty excited about the voter turn out. Obama's campaign was based on the idea of Change, and Change is really what this country needs. Let's all hope that Obama has the steel to lead this great nation that we are.

If you listened to his campaign winning speech, Obama does well to call out to those who didn't necessarily vote for him. I really feel like he realizes the tremendous task that he is now burdened with as the President. We are in need of a turn around from the last eight years. I must say, Mr. Arizona was honorable in defeat.

There was champions league though, if you guys werent so focused on the measly election... right? I am not serious, but for real, there was some champions league football over the week. Chelsea lost to Roma, which was way cool. I report the updates of Italian soccer, and Roma specifically to my Roman Entertainment course here at ASU. Liverpool got away with quite a soft penalty in the fourth minute of added time in the second half of their champions league match against Athletico Madrid.

Pay attention people, America is in need of change! Support Barrack Obama, especially now that he is our President for at least the next four years! Barrack supports Footy, so the United States should support footy as well!

All hail the all powerful Footy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

the great hallows'eve!

yup yup, its the day before halloween, and I'M LOVIN IT MATE! by the way, let me clarify this, as my teacher got this confused, "mate" is not necessarily australian, its english first! most australians are decendants from UK criminals, so SORT YOURSELF OUT, MATE! and now, with that out of the way... its the day before the old halloween, like the greatest holiday ever.

my old friend jack is coming down from the verde valley to spend the night or two at the spot. he knows that if he was going to have any kind of good time on halloween, he needed to come down to the old phoenix area.

i dont really have a costume yet, but if i really want to dress up, i can bust out an old karate gi(suit), or bust out my robin hood costume... yea, i got skills like that. anyways...

if you havent been following the footie recently, youre crazy mate. the premiership is absolutely amazing! its the coolest reality television show/challenge ever. and i must say, tottenham will be saved yet mate! big ol 'arry (harry) rednapp is going to steer out ship to the promise land... or maybe just the middle of the table. we drew against our north london rivals, arsenal, 4-4. sweet, and things are looking up!

Rangers are only 3 points behind celtic in the SPL, but with a game in hand. so not to worried, its still wicked early. RANGERS FOR THE TITLE! i love footie...
oh and lakers are 2-0!!!!!
word son.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Birthday...

Ah yes, its the day. I woke up this morning at 6:30 and ran my Siberian Husky and did my Mexican class homework. Business as usual for the most part. I cooked the Babe and I breakfast as she was getting ready to go to work. We had bacon, ham, eggs and cheese breakfast burritos with the rear sliding glass door wide open. It was extremely gorgeous out this morning, but I didn't get a chance to water my plants this morning, and I need to soon.

I got to my first class late, but like I expected, it wasn't a problem because the teacher is never on time and is extremely slow with passing around the attendance sheet. Now I am just sitting at the Computing Commons on the campus, watching next years Freshman class take a walk-through the campus' facilities.

It's always strange not being home, with my parents and little brothers and sisters, sharing my birthday with an ice cream cake from baskin robbins. Sometimes we would go to Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse, where they cook the food in front of you like live entertainment. Sometimes we would go to Capri's Italian restaurant, where I would make excuses to go to the restroom so I could waste time between ordering and eating. I'd stop off in front of the window and talk to John, and when I saw my family table's food, I retrurned to enjoy it.

I really miss my family back home. But its weird to come to the realization that I'm no longer a little kid and my little brother and sisters are not so little any more. Another day in my quarter life crisis. and I'm fucking loving it. Thanks for the life you all gave me family. love you guys.

okie smokie...

so i had to write a poem with three blanks in the space for words... so here a little poem, inspired by a short story i wrote entitled... crazy i know, follow follow. anyways, lots of ways you can take this poem, and thats why i like it...

Follow Follow

The deep dark stench of warm keg stout beer, along with
burning Backwood’s cigars from the Quickie on Paisley, fills
the lungs with every half breath. Singing and shouting with the mates
at The Grapes Bar: We will follow Rangers!

Anywhere, Everywhere, we will follow on mate.
Donald swears to me from his barstool on my left.
Dundee, Hamilton, the Pope and Vatican!
His breath reeks of celebratory sectarian alcoholism.

My runny yellow eggs began to mesh into the wet black beans,
Soggy mushrooms, and grayish black pudding. I use two rubber pieces
of bacon and one plastic link of sausage as make-shift utensils.
The bagpipes, like the consumption of liquor, have been ongoing
since the doors opened at 6am GMT.

swings his arm around for a resounding chorus rendition.
Celtic know all about their troubles.
We will ‘til the day is done.
The blind hatred in his dizzy drunk stare is deathly strange.
For there’s not a team like the Glasgow Rangers.
No not one, and there never shall be one.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Champions League and FIFA 09!

Word up every one. I just miss you all so much, and I really haven't been spending much time with you guys, but I have a very good excuse. I am trying to finish school already. Geez! Gimme a break! But for reals, I am trying to finish up the old escuela out here in Tempe, AZ. Don't get me wrong, it's nice out her and all, but there is nothing like waking up in California.

So I am coming back! Maybe not exactly to the desert, but I am moving to the coast where I belong already. We are hoping to settle some where in Huntington Beach, California, which wold be a daily blessing for me if that came true. I am for sure going to work for World Soccer Daily, so pick up the Sirius Satellite radio or start downloading the podcast from the itunes. It is incredibly interesting and fun, honestly. Who doesn't like to listen to gentleman with English accents argue back and forth about their sport. Its amazing.

Speaking of football. Champions Leaugue is this week and I'm telling you all to watch it because it is the top level of competition in Europe, which really means the top level of competition in the world as most of the world's best players, play in Europe. So this Tuesday and Wedneday check out ESPN 2 during the day to keep up with the excitement. Big names will be playing. Manchester United will play Celtic. Liverpool are playing Athletico Madrid (where el nino came from). Barcelona, Marseille, FC Porto, Arsenal, Chelsea, Roman, Fenerbahce, all will play mid week during a group stage round of play or Champions League.

And finally, before I make my mad dash back to class. FIFA 09 is out and it kicks ass. I will be taking challengers as they come, and I will dominate each of them, sending then crying back to their mothers. Word/

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ah! I'm Alive, I swear!

Ok everyone, lets not fret. I'm still here and still kicking, and kicking strong I'd say. I am just so super busy, and in case you weren't in the know about the haps, I'm about three months away from moving back to california! Yea Boy!

So things have been a little stressful. I am going to walk in December... SWEET! I have spent so much time out here the past five years that I am really glad to just accomplish the goal. Yea, again, I know it took forever. It just took some time for me to figure out my nitch in this collegiate world. I mean who could tell me in high school that I was going to be a writer.

So I am trying to finish up school, all while trying to force through a proposal for an internship in Redondo Beach, which would be one of the last credits needed for my actual deploma. That is a task in it's own. My school is kinda lame in the way in makes you do all this excess tedious work, when things could really be made a lot easier in this day and age. Like paperwork! Who fills this stuff out and transport it from place to place by hand. Why are we killing trees for this senseless waste. Paper should be save only for books in my opinion.

I'm begining to ramble, but its been so long, that I've really lost touch with where I'm going, where I've been, and where am I at now, which is one of the reason I writing. My mom used to have a copied cartoon on her office wall that had the phrase "I'm so far behind, I think I'm First!" Thats about what I have been feeling. I'd like to be far ahead, but certain task and problems jump in the way. Like moving endless sheets of paper between my english, history and interdisciplinary studies advisors(when the last one should really be the one will the solution, but no!).

I am being critiqued today by some published poet and my workshop. I wrote this "peculiar fetish" poem about my pen fetish... and it has spawned into my idea of a volume of poems about my pen addiction, so there are a couple of my pen poems up for discussion, and im a littel nervous. its really lighthearted word play with my weapons of choice, the writing utensil. I just hope this published poet can dig the idea. We shall see.

I went home last weekend, to visit my family. They are amazing, and beautiful, and so is their home. I would never call my home anything but a home. A house is something you can live in, spend time in, maybe even decorate, but a house has stories, history, and meaning behind every piece of tile, wood, and concrete used, as well as the blood, sweat, tears, arguments, hugs and kisses. All of these make for such a foundation as to establish my home's meaning to me and my family. I moved once before I moved to arizona, and it was only rooms. I'm glad I lived in the same home my entire life, and I am glad I can alway fall back and rely on the strength of my house to refuel me, replenish my soul, and recharge the battery inside me to keep doing what I am doing, and that is living the dream that my family gave me, in the home on 620 South Camino Real.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

La Jolla Rough Water Swim

Its true, its true! I did it. I swam an entire mile, in the open ocean, and I smashed the time that I was trying to beat. Last weekend, the babe and I made the trip out to La Jolla to swim in the 78th annual La Jolla Rough Water Swim. Good times.

I ended up finishing in 36mins and 30 secs, which is way better than where I had hoped to finish. I was just trying to be under 50 mins, so I felt really happy with my swim. It was ridiculously hard in my opinion, and a tremendous workout. Brytni finished in 31 mins flat! I think I just edge out Brytni's Dad, but I don't believe he made too much of an effort as when he came out of the water, he looked as calm, cool, and collect as before he had stepped in. The guy is incredibly in shape.

The course was broken up into three lengths. The first leg was an 800 yard swim out of the cove, against the current. The second length, after the first buoy, is 460 yards, and tended to be covering rolling waves on their way to the coast. I swallowed lots of salt water here. The last length, back into the cove is 500 yards and I felt like I got really lucky here, because many swimmers had trouble with sets of waves that wouldn't allow them to make it in. Many people had issues with rubber legs, I didn't. There is a good reason for this. I hardly kick my legs when I swim, and I lack technique with my swimming. I did need to sit down after I crossed the finish line, but that was because I was winded. My legs were there, my lungs were not.

Anyways, I really want to thank Brytni's family, and my family who all made it out to watch and support the three swimmers. Whether the professionals noticed or not, I sure did, and I know that it was your eyes that made me want to finish so bad. I am glad I did. Looking forwards to next year, and the one after that especially (80th annual). Till then, keep swimming.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

another poem...

alright guys, i'll probably post my weekly assignments for ENG 411. It is an advanced creative writing workshop. this poem was supposed to include three body parts... however the poet interprets... i thought i was clever with the three body stanzas... anyways, here it is...

Bodies in the Desert

It was more a swivel
than a bobble-head.

Strolling down sun-splashed
Palm Walk, artificially-bronzed-
breasts, bounce around
in the poor boy’s polarized
reflective sun glasses.

He slips by, under
the radar. Sweating.
Swamp assed.
Making his way
to the next class.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Old Firm- Round One!

And the first round goes to the Light Blues! Rangers go to the East End, and trump on their Cross town rivals 4-2. Kenny Miller, who has made the cross, and come back to the Ibrox side of Glasgow, dealt with some flak, and managed to put in two against his old club.

The Gers went to Parkhead and put the hoops to the sword on their own turf. Rangers haven't won this big at Celtic in over 15 years! We drew first blood in the match with a strike from Daniel Cousin in the 37th minute, but hoops replied within two minutes by the ex -man. city man, Samaras.

After the break, it was all Light Blues. First a goal from Kenny Miller, then a beauty of a goal from another new acquisition for this season, Pedro Mendes, who added the third. Kenny Miller stamped his mark on the Old Firm stage, making sure the back pages of the English Evening News have something to talk about. Nakumura scored a conciliation goal in injury time, but Celtic didn't seem to threaten at all in the second half. What a way to start the SPL season. Sure, the European dreams are dashed, but three wins out of four games, and Rangers are atop the tables with a nice cushion in front of their Old Firm rivals.

As for the rest of Europe, to be quick...

Tottenham managed to stay a float, just barely, by snatching a point from the dream team that shares their town. Chelsea and Tottenham drew over the weekend, 1-1. This match was big for Spurs, and their supporters. Going to Stamford Bridge, Spurs needed to come away with anything! A point will do for now, but Spurs need this match to gain some traction and start their season rolling. They recently moved to sign Roman Pavlyuchenko from Spartak Moscow, pretty much squashing rumors of signing another Russian hotshot, Andrei Arshavin.

Sunderland take a step back as they get trounced by Manchester City, 3-0. Keane had his team looking sharp the first couple of EPL match fixtures, but they seemed to look lost against a Man. City squad who continues to have Owner issues, with an owner who is technically a fugitive from the country of Thai Land. City played with out Petrov and other bigger names on their squad, but Brazilian, Jo, showed some promising play on the pitch.

Because Chelsea and Tottenham drew on Sunday, and Liverpool drew against Aston Villa, 0-0, the top of the tables remain the same. Liverpool and Chelsea are tied a top with 7 points each. Man. City, West Ham, Arsenal, and Middlesbrough are tied for third with 6 points. All in all, the EPL looks exciting so far, with only 3 games into the season.

Jose Mourihno's new Inter Milan side drew against Cassano and Sampadoria this weekend, 1-1. With many more opportunities on both sides that were not put away, the score line doesn't give justice to the excitement of the actual game. Mourihno's new Italian job will prove to be a little more difficult that expected.

Sorry I haven't been able to post as often as I would like to, but two History courses, and three English courses, have me reading over ten different novels and 4 different books written by two of my professors, so not necessarily interesting reads. Either way, I am slightly overwhelmed, and trying to prioritize my duties. Seeing as how I am trying to be moving back to Cal by December, I need to sacrifice some fun for now, to enjoy myself later.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Three Weeks In!

Lovely, to put it simply. Second weekend into the Premiership, and already, the drama begins to stir. Again, my Spurs go down to Sunderland this weekend, and Chelsea sneaks by with a beautifully taken free kick from Deco, and Wigan went down. I adore the English (Barcalay’s) Premier League, but my thoughts will always go straight the Scotland first.
We are three weeks deep into the Scottish Premier League, and my Light Blues were trying to maintain their 100% start to the season. In all honesty, we still should be 100% in the tables, but an injury time goal from DeMarcus Beasley was disallowed, and the ‘Gers take a point from their meeting with Aberdeen over the weekend. For all those who say the Old Firm get all the calls, here is the evidence against your case. We drew first blood against Aberdeen, with a set piece header from David Weir, but they replied back with a tying goal. Again, the American, who has been looking in top form for club, and country, put the ball in the back of the net in injury time, but linesman, Baxter raised the flag.
So Rangers start the season with two wins and a draw. Celtic won over the weekend, and this season, the Light Blues will need to keep a close eye on the happenings of the cross town rivals, hoops. With no more Europe for the rest of the season, Rangers must finish top of the tables, and for sure above hoops, or suffer a major blow to their finances and hopes for competing further in Champions League Dreams.
Maurice Edu obtained his work permit and Walter Smith is looking to start the American along with his national teammate DMB, for the next weekends Old Firm match. This could be a much needed six point separation from our rivals, real quick!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Only an hour wait, but hear my voice on WSD!

Amazing. Love to call in to the World Soccer Daily Sirius Satellite Radio Show, it is just ridiculously hard to find the time to sit and wait on hold to talk on the show live. But when I can, I try to put my two pence into the WSD radio show, be it live and on the phone, or just a daily email. Of course my emails are not always used, but I would say they either respond to me on the show, or they do afterwards, and always seem to appreciate my angle on any given topic.

There is just so much to talk about in the world of football, but most of the time, it tends to be the same stories that make headlines. My goal is to try and find a different angle to view headlining news or, even better, find a story that may seem insignificant, and explain it's importance. That is one thing that I am really trying to do with my internship. Many Americans fail to find significance in following the sport, but there is regularly vital matters that carry tremendous weight in football, that often has global influence and roots. Take for example, the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. This is a perfect opportunity for a country who is slightly behind in the times, and full of crime and corruption, to make a statement and start a new beginning. They can step out of the shadows of a third world image, and step into being a recognized government by the rest of the world. It is also an opportunity for the world to come to the aid of this country and help it grow into the present standards of living. Many politicians and football pundits, as well as those in the higher offices of FIFA and other governing bodies of football around the world, have begun to see an opportunity for South Africa and the world to put political pressure on neighboring Zimbabwe and their radical leader Robert Mugawbe.

I digress. I really only began writing this post to tell all friends and family that you could hear my voice on the WSD radio show today. About an hour and fifteen minutes into the show, they go to Rafael in Tempe. I conversed with the boys about Tottenham Hotspurs and how I think that they looked incredibly small for a Premiership side, and were dominated by a much more taller and physical Middlesbrough side. Boro seem to win every header and set piece and should have won 3-1, but one goal was disallowed, for no aparent reason. Dos Santos looked and played well, Madric looked a little lost. the midfield was lost in the tall red forest that were the Boro midfield players. And next week, Spurs play Sunderland in a meeting of a team with many former Tottenham players, all physical and larger then the current roster. Good times.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

2nd weekend into the season...

Wow. So there is so much to say and report on, I have no clue where to begin. But had to say a couple things. One is this, Maurice Edu, American national, was signed for a $5 million dollars, not pounds, from the MLS, to Rangers. The deal was made through the MLS, not Toronto like most leagues would have business run. Although, I must say this, I am proud to see so many Americans take to abroad to play. It really will only expand the skill and soccer culture in this nation, and will help to build a strong base for our future national team.

Here is a little ironic fun fact though about Mr. Edu and what he is getting himself into. Maurice is from sunny, southern California, Fontana to be exact. He has been playing most of the summer in the States in fair to hot weather. He has just signed for Rangers and will be moving to Glasgow, Scotland. The Scottish Premiere League plays its season through the winter. Snow flurries are not unusual to a game in the middle of January in Scotland. Sunny and bright, to cold and dreary. Hope he is ready. I would be!

Follow, Follow, We will follow Rangers!

Rangers start off the season with two straight wins

Well Kenny, I know it is hard. Getting our hopes dashed so quickly with European dreams coming to an abrupt end. But at least we are still perfect in the SPL. We handled Hearts well, and our new signing all look to be fitting in nicely. Kyle Lafferty scores a goal, and then, the man who I wear on my back this season (bought his Jersey, yes, I buy a Rangers jersey every season... a small show of support if you ask me), Kris Boyd gets the second to down Hearts in the end 2-0.

I love to watch Kris Boyd, and love his attitude. He seems to be extremely competitive and deadly serious about the game. Much like myself with Adult Amateur Leagues out here in Arizona. But I have a love for the sport that runs deep and I care about football. I like when she is played beautifully, with passion and intensity. I love the epic battles that take place and appreciate the comraderie and respect for the player you mark all game. It is a blessing football is back in season... summer was a tad long this year.

Here is hoping the 'Gers win the SPL. Here's to a great new season ahead full of amazing football to feast upon, and here's hoping you guys sign me to your team come the January transfer window...

Rafael in Tempe

I'm not even a Hammers fan

Wow! And thank God for the EPL! I cant believe this, but I'm being thrilled by a West Ham game! Dean Ashton looks in shape and fit!? His first goal was beautiful, and his second was scappy, but all before we had telve mins. Balls are hitting crossbars, the goals are being sprayed with shots on target and the tackles are going in good and hard.

I'll say it! I'd rather watch a Wigan v. West Ham anyday over MLS! The pace, creativity, intelligence, and thrill I get from watching the EPL is better than any drug. Only know do I really grasp how long summer really was.

Here's to the new season! cheers and see and look forward to the discussion come Monday. ole ole ole ole Deano, Deano!

Raf in Tempe

Friday, August 15, 2008

pedro mendes signing

I should point out first, that I will be now posting all the emails I send into the World Soccer Daily Sirius Satellite Radio Show (WSD). This is just so I can keep track of what I send to them and, if needs be, they could too! I am trying to get an internship with them, down in Redondo Beach, CA. Plus, its a way for you out there to read and keep up with lots of soccer news that I find important.

Hey boys,

It is just me Rafael, out here in Tempe. We are in the middle of our monsoon season, which makes the desert humid and hot, with cloud coverage, lots of lightning, and hardly any rain… depressing really. And how about that Nastia Luekin, smoking hot, even the runner up, Shaun. (sp.?), the small one, has an astounding body, just at miniature side. But I digress.

What I am really writing for is about Rangers. Well, the ‘Gers and our pal’s, Chuck Culpepper’s favorite, Pedro Mendes. According to the Rangers home website, we acquired Mendes for $3million pounds. I think the Portuguese midfielder will help out a great deal. He may be getting on, but Rangers always have trouble with injuries and the SPL isn’t the known for its friendly style of play. I really hope he opens up the midfield some and maybe even brings a more attacking style of football to the Ibrox.

I was wondering if you thought the light blues were going to continue to improve their roster? I believe they sold Carlos Cuellar for $13 million pounds, so we should have some funds to throw at some quality players soon. Hopefully we still have enough time?

Rafael in Tempe

Ps… Kenny, are the Ibrox and Murray Park synonymous?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My little brother and me

I have recently been writing a lot of letters to lots of different friends and family across the country. One of the people is my little brother Miguel, who is about 7 years younger than my self. I remember when this kid was born, and thinking, "Yes, this is the little brother I have been waiting for! We are going to play baseball, and Ninja, and (of course) play video games with!" it turned out he had to actually grow up a little bit first.

When I wrote to him first, I explained that I was writing to all those people who were important to me. I wanted to keep in touch with his life and what was going on with it. He was my family, my blood, and I saw so much of my self in him. As I grow older, I find it funny the realizations we come to. Just a couple years ago, before moving out to Arizona, I remember not really caring that I was leaving. I acted as if I wouldn't miss my family or friends and people I grew up with for 18 years. I hated my parents for everything they did, and resented them for no real good reason. I remember sitting in the shower after being spanked once, telling my self over and over, "I'll never be like my dad". Now I find myself so similar to my father it's scary. I mimic his ways and mannerisms without knowing it. I have started gardening and i take care of and grow lots of different plants. I know for a fact, that if my kid gets out of line, I'm going to give him a whipping! Just like my dad taught me. Which is exactly what he did when he spanked me, he was teaching me a good lesson really.

All this has been coming to me over my experience away from home. Now, I have a hard time calling it that, as I haven't lived there in years, and it isn't my nest anymore. I've made my move, and I've got to play it. But this great Epiphany shed light on another subject. I began to think about the influence I had on my younger siblings. I remember all the nights I snuck out to smoke pot with various girls, breaking other girls hearts, and making my very existence a constant worry for my two parents. I started to feel incredibly bad for all the harm I may have brought to my family, but then realized another thing. We only got better...

What I mean by that is, as my parents popped out the children, it was as if they progressively got better, like new and improved versions, a Gonzales 4.0. Each one of the kids was influenced by me in many ways. My drinking and smoking, kept my two youngest siblings from experimenting with them early on because they had the perfect example of what happened with me. So whether my influence was in a positive or negative manner, it was beneficial for my younger siblings to witness a first go round, crudely put.

With my brother, I see so much. I see what I could have been had I not smoked or drank so much, or not tried to seem so "bad" and keep that image. Miguel is incredibly smart, intelligent and talented. All characteristics I had, and still do, but used in different ways. My little brother excels in school and takes it serious, where I only skated through and didn't really care. Miguel seems to be quite to actor, singer, dancer,etc. I loved performing for a crowd and being on stage. Miguel has picked up sports, which makes me proud, because I loved to compete in sports and he is showing signs of competitiveness. I have a picture of my brother and girlfriend at an ASU football game where we made it down onto the field. I love that picture, it makes me feel close to my brother, and that night, we were. I only wish I could have been closer the past 6 years.

Miguel, I will always be your big brother, even though you passed me up height wise years ago. I am here for you to talk to, ask questions, and give whatever advice I could to you. To see you succeed as you have done so, so early in your life, makes me jealous and incredibly proud. I wish the absolute best for you life, and promise, you can count on me.

And yea, I think your girlfriend does look similar to mine, but Brytni doesn't like that idea... haha. Send me a pic of your gf, and I'll post it next to a pic of my gf, and we will let the world decide. hahahaha

Monday, August 11, 2008

last minute soccer news before the epl begins

so there is so much to say as the season draws near... first off, not a bad olympic tournament, my boy messi scores in the first game for argentina... and more importantly, FIFA made the decision to back the clubs who believe that they can hold a player from olympic participation... but most clubs who were threatning holding their players, relented and let many young stars play... thank goodness.

there are so man silly season transfer rumors whirling around out there, with the season coming within the next two weeks... my favorite team to watch, tottenham hotspurs, have been making big moves in the off season, and their face has changed drastically... and still, there is a slight possibility that we may get Arshavin, and KGB Killer, or just a russian nation. he lit up two games for russia in the Euros, and was only kept quite by a tournament best performance by marco senna from spain...giovanni dos santos, luca modric, darren bently, wow, what a great transfer seasons.

for my gers, and the spl has begun, but we recently let go of carlos ceullar for 7.8 million pounds. ouch and well, i guess nice? he was our player of the year last year and held down the back line and kept the gers in many a competitions... but we just dont have the need for such high profile players when we are only chasing the spl title. you are lucky aston villa for gaining a great defender. walter smith seemed surprised at the move, saying he was unaware?

United is said to be after a right winger??? umm cristiano ronaldo??? michael richards also was said to be linked with man. united. whatever, but tevez has been lighting it up in early preseason fixtures... love to see the argentines do well. across the town, in manchester city, the light blues are dealing with a fugitive owner from thailand. mark hughes is in for quite a drama filled season...

the premiere league table is really broken down into third parts, the top four, 5 thru 12, and those facing relegation... and this seasons relegation battle will promise to be an amazing fight. Speaking of top four, the reds, liverpool are linked to milan superstar kaka, and if that happens, united and chelsea better look over their shoulders... as of now, arsenal looking to finish fourth.

as for the usa in the olympics, we are just a draw away from advancing to the knockout round of the tournament. we play nigeria and if we lose and the dutch beat japan, we are out of the tournament, draw and a win gets us through, so the fate of our tournament is in our hands really. i hope we do well, even if we suck at soccer in the worlds eyes.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

and the woes keep coming...

I have given myself one day. I tried to sit and come to terms with the situation. No matter how I look at it though, it was terrible disaster of a way to start the season for our beloved ‘Gers. My eyes well up as I write this, but something had to be said, and this is the best and only way for me to truly let it all out.

My Rangers are knocked out of Europe competition. It’s true. Sad but true, and it aches in heart like the loss of a loved one. Kaunas FC of Lithuania, defeated my boys in the second leg of their second round of Champions League play, 2-1. To put it simply, the boys just didn’t show up.

Rangers fielded an incredibly talented side, and even managed draw first blood in the first half. But after that, it seemed the light blues lost the plot, and fairly quickly after the restart, Kaunas FC even the score board by leveling the match at one all. The boy from Glasgow still had the advantage by having scored the away goal, but in the 85th minute, Kaunas FC dashed our European dreams with a late goal from a corner.

Last season, Rangers complained of fixture overload, having to extend their season drastically to fit in all their extra tournament fixtures. There will be none of that this go round as the light blues, one round away, were unable to secure a place in the UEFA Cup tournament by losing in the second round. Many in the office at the Ibrox will point to the fixture cram put on by the Scottish FA, as the reason they were unable to secure their SPL title, finishing second to their Old Firm rivals Celtic. By finishing second, Rangers were not granted a straight bid into the third round of the Champions League, and had to play through the first two qualifying rounds. Either way, the performance from the boys from Glasgow was poor, and that hurts to say from a true supporter.

The ramifications of this are tremendous. Because they are no longer in European competition, Rangers are missing out on millions of pounds in revenue from added fixtures and extra attendance to major tournament games. Because they are missing out on all this European cash, it is of the utmost importance that they secure the SPL title this year, or their funds for the following seasons will have plummeted to next to nothing after player wages, chairman salaries, and stadium up keep just to name a few. For this season, they will also suffer from the loss of extra fixture funds. Last season, they beefed up their roster in order to deal with all the added games. Now that they don’t have as many games, they still have to pay the players wages. Since they don’t have as many games, it will be time to seriously consider dropping some of our big name players, and save up for the next European campaign, assuming we finish in a position on the table that results in a European bid.

It really hurts to see all this have to happen to our squad, but it is part of the game and as a true supporter, you have to stick with the club through it’s ups and it’s downs. No matter how hard it gets and how painful it feels. Walter Smith has quite a lot to think about, and I sure hope he has some tricks left up his sleeve. He sure did a lot with a team that wasn’t created by him, last season. Here is hoping Celtic get knocked out as soon as possible.
Come on you ‘Gers!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ronnie in the US tabloids

According to my girlfriend’s In Touch magazine, a certain Brittny Gastineau of one of those “entertainment channel shows”, Gastineau Girls, spent some quality time with a certain Cristiano Ronaldo.

Yea, it’s true. I guess they met randomly at the Beverly Hills Hotel on July 26. The story says he sent his friend to talk to the girl and get her number for him. From there, he called her up, set up plans to meet at Villa Lounge in LA. They were extremely cozy at the posh lounge, but when he got up to leave the table, and asked her to go back to his room with him, she said no.

It’s funny, I’m not exactly sure how long the kid has been in the states, but for a while now, he has been in my girls tabloids… she keeps getting my attention…”Babe, one of your soccer players is in the news again!” She thinks this is news… I said that the kids has made panties drop around the world!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rockin' the Scottist Rocket's Jersey...

Oh it's true, yes it's true. The babe and I will be rockin' our brand new, Rangers' Home kit with our lad Kris Boyd's name on our backs as of Monday. for those of you who may not be so familiar with one of the most prolific goal scorers in recent Scottish Premiere League history, having scored over 114 goals in SPL competition. He is a Scottish hit man, tall, good with his feet, and strong in the air, he is deadly when he is up top. He spent much of the season coming off the bench for the "Gers" last season, yet still managed to rack up his goal scoring record. He once scored all five goals in a match against Dundee United in 2004 when he played for Kilmarnock. And the boy can score against the hoops as he has done so many of times for a variety of teams in the SPL... but none better then the goals he has scored for our beloved Rangers FC...

It is just a matter of time before we make our pilgrimage to the holy sanctuary of Scottish football, the Ibrox, and watch our very first Rangers v. Celtic Old Firm derby. Our plan is not this season, but next season, to catch a dead of winter grudge match between the two sides, and that will determine our European trip. It is also the reason why we went with the Kris Boyd jersey, as opposed to my last name or even DeMarcus Beasley's name. We didn't want to stand out as Americans.

My trip up north...

On Saturday morning, I woke up early as always, took my Husky on his morning run, and took a shower to get ready to head over to my friend Cosmo's place. I got what I would have needed for the day and left my house. Stopping by a lovely little French patisserie(sp.?) called P.Croissant, I got three croissants and a large coffee for the road. Let me just go ahead and punt this place for a second because on quality of food alone, they deserve business. This place is on the northwest corner of Rural Road and Elliot, and they bake croissants daily. But these are not just any old croissants, no no, they are amazing baked goods that take you to another planet. I honestly think that all those people who liked Krispy Kremes, this would be a good substitute or a new habit. I am a huge fan of their Almond and their Strawberry Croissants. To die for, if you ask me. And lastly, as I know we are kinda of on a tangent here, but their coffee is actually extremely good. I thoroughly enjoy their hazelnut Hawaiian coffee...stellar.

With that done and out of the way, I now feel as though I can continue on with my adventure. I got to my friend Cosmo's house around 7:30am and waited for our friends Jordan to wake up and get ready and Cosmo had some last minute packing to take care of. We left his place around 8am and stopped for some oil and a bathroom break. We shortly headed out of Phoenix after that. It takes forever to actually get out of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area to speak honestly about the subject, and the further towards the outskirts you get, the more random these crazy towns like Anthem just pop up out of no where. Seriously, you'll be driving and thinking to your self, "damn, finally out of Phoenix", and then bam, here is Deer Valley, and Anthem and, well... you get the idea.

We first stopped in Cottonwood, AZ to meet up with an extremely good friends of mine, Parley Jack Stock. I met Parley when I first started working for Starbucks around the end of my Freshman years of college. So me and Jack go way back, and even though he lives up north these days, we always end up getting together and catching up like nothing ever happened and he still kicked it with me on the daily. So we went to Parley's new business' building. Technically, it is located just outside the city boundaries, so he is on county land. The building is covered in red rock(kind of the theme of places up north ), and has an old almost Southwest wooden furniture theme. Very homey feeling in my opinion, and all the furniture was picked out by his mom. The building houses his office, another room with two offices, and a gigantic living room area, equipped with a message chair, two other leather comfy chairs, a oversizes comfortable couch and an enormous 5"x12" wooden coffee table that I desperately wanted. We spent some time at Jack's new business building, until we decided to head even further north to Flagstaff, AZ and get some breakfast/lunch at Jordan's Dad's Girlfriend's diner. I believe it was called Morning Glory Cafe, but the girlfriend's name was Maria, and that made me think of my sister even more than I already was.

Coming into Flagstaff, and looking over to the right, you see a big white dome which is the football field for NAU, and immediately Maria, my sister came to mind. Maria is like a mini mom to me, and both are my best-friends, so Flagstaff will always make me smile because my thoughts immediate go to my family just because Maria spent some time in school here. Either way, my friends and I had some food made by vegetarians and it was good... but Jordan's wanted to take us out to a piece of property he was working on.

Once again, the crew was off, now, there was Cosmo, Jordan, Parley, Dave(Jordan's dad), and my self, and we took the 30 min trip out the the Cinders just north east of Flagstaff. The Cinders gets its name from the black volcanic rock that has covered the landscaped. We drove to the kinda place where there isn't a soul around for miles and the only sounds you heard were the wind over the sparse vegetation. Really cool actually. We fired off bow and arrows, pellet guns, old black powder pistols, etc. and by the time we left, we stocked the bed of Cosmo's truck with over $400 worth of Terra-cotta pots. Yea, sweet, I know.

After that, we made the long trek back into Flagstaff to drop of Dave, then we headed back to Cottonwood to get Parley's Caddy and eventually headed back to Parley's place before deciding where to go for dinner. We got to Parley's chateau in the Verde Valley and every one of the other guys was amazed at the property in the area. Huge acreage of land, lots of overgrown trees and shade, and lush green pastures, just beautiful. Then we decided to hit up Johnny Rockets in the Indian Casino just down the highway a ways. I wont go into the details, but will punt their shakes as they were absolutely fantastic.

After Johnny Rockets, we headed home to Parley' s and the competition began. That's right, FOOZEBALL! We take this shit serious and I will give it Jack, he is the best player I have ever played against. We played some fooze for about two hours and by that time, it was about 9:15pm and the boys and I were fading fast. We said our good byes, and thank yous, and we headed home to conclude an excellent adventure up north on a Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One of the best movies of all time

I'm not exaggerating when I say the The Big Lebowski, is by far, one of the best movies of all time. I shit you not, and if you dont believe me, you either haven't seen it, or you just have one enormous bug up your ass. Seriously, if you cant find humor in the story to The Dude, then you probably dont need to take part in the human civilization anymore.

Ok, so maybe that is a little harsh, but the flick is actually an amazing piece of art. The story is technically based on a true story... well, more like a true character. The Dude, the main character of the story, takes the viewer on an epic odyssey that inter-weave a web of characters who are equally as dynamic as the Dude, his dudeness, el duderino if you aren't into the whole brevity thing.

The main issue that drives the entire story is a soiled rug. That is right, a soiled rug that was urinated on by a china-man(improper nomenclature I know, but I'm quoting lines) who mistaking take the Dude for a Mr. Lebowski. When it turns out that the Dude's real name is Jeffery Lebowski, you immediate know that this film is going to take it's viewers on a ride with many twists and turns in the plot. Much like an older style detective or P.I. flick, the Dude goes through intense labours and ends up solving the mystery behind why people were chasing him down for money owed by a pornstar trophy wife who belonged to a supposedly wealthy Mr. Jeffery Lebowski.

One of the greatest things about this film is it's supporting cast of excellent actor including John Goodman as a Vietnam Vet. stuck in his war time psyche, Juillian Moore as a Feminist Poet/Artist and the one Lebowski with money, Steve Buschemi, John Tuturro and even Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Each and every character, is just that, a character, and they are all so much fun to get to know. There is never a dull moment of the movie and it is an extremely clever comedy.

If you are ever in the need of a serious drinking game, pop that bad boy in and press play. Then pick either word:Fuck or Dude. After you have chosen your selected word, or if you are truly bold, picking both, watch the Big Lebowski and take a drink with each use of the word. I guarantee that even the biggest drinker will be out after 45 mins. Have fun everybody.

more poetry...

sorry, but the thing is, I am in an Advanced Creative Writing Poetry Workshop... so this is where much of my writing is coming from...

Watering my Garden

It comes at four in the morning, too.
The rodent wheels
in my mind spinning.
Flashbacks of the best sex,
shared showers, and hours spent
wrapped up in each other.

Of course.

It grips at my stomach
Chan-nel-lock blue tight
and wrenches.

Sleep is impossible.
Flipping around in bed
like a landlocked fish,
In a cold sweat.
This struggling cant seem to throw
thoughts of past encounters
and conquest of the opposite sex.

Then the questioning begins,
Why am I still here? It’s not
what it used to be.
Excuses tug at my hair,
pointing my wandering eye
in another direction.

As my heart drops
at yet another lapse in faithfulness, I sit up
and decide to start my day early.

The garden will get watered at 5:20 today.

Monday, July 28, 2008

One Epic Battle

Over the weekend, as I sat in my backyard patio, enjoying my potted plants, my eyes wandered to the ever-over-growing pair of fan palms getting slightly out of hand underneath the amazing shade of my giant mesquite tree. They hadn't been trimmed since my father and mother came out in spring sometime, and they were in desperate need of a hack job. And so I spent the next hour and a half trimming my fan until you could underneath them. It was gorgeous, if I do say so myself.
But this little adventure in the morning heat of 108*, led to yet an even great battle that would ensue feet above the ground of my back yard. Again, my eyes wandered, but this time, their direction was straight up. I happened to notice some dead branches of mesquite wood on top of my tree, and soon after further inspection, I had come to the realization that my mesquite tree had come under the power of the Arizona monsoon.
Oh yea, a branch about 4 inches in diameter split and folded down into thick twigs and had begun to dry. And this was about 20 feet up in the air. Any one who knows me, can tell you I'm kinda the wuss for heights, but I wasn't about to back down. No way, this was my yard and I controlled its inhabitants. So I geared up with my corona hand saw and yard long corona loppers(which ended up being fairly useless against such dense wood), and climbed the tree. Not going to lie, leaning up against a branch with your feet on separate footings, and holding on to another branch your attempting to hack off, gets kinda hairy at that height.
I spent about another hour and a half just bringing down the dead part of the Mesquite tree, but after being up there for so long, I have come up with a new coif for this tree, and it is just a matter of time before the second stage of operation mesquite overhaul begins clipping away at the tree. It's Monday now and I have been spending much of the morning breaking down this dead wood into either clippings I could squeeze in our weekly trash bin, or into nice sized logs I could use for an eventual fire. I really look forward to this fire/possible BBQ as I know just how amazing this wood is! Because it is so dense, it burns longer and hotter, and for those grill masters out there... it adds that distinct mesquite flavor.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Art Museum Response

This is a response to a piece of art work, entitled Paradise, by Philip Curtis. In was in the dreams/imagination section of the ASU Art Museum...

One Father’s Nightmare
After Philip Curtis’ Paradise

A well to do man watches
over the meager audience he gathered
with the anxious anticipation
of a house dog waiting for his owner’s return.
His eyes, a black hole
of failure, matching

the lackluster day. Sad
orange colors drench his scene,
leafless trees form a stage
for a miniature circus.

As for the audience, his family,
they are occupied more
than they are entertained.
The wife and two children follow
the miniature horse with a dwarf
on top, the parrot, the cat and the gaunt
clown, but never acknowledging
The father.

The man worked hard to make
enough to produce this day’s spectacle.

His family turn their backs
on a father who has lost the point.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I <3 Command and Conquor

It's true, I am a huge fan, sort of a geek, for Command and Conquer. The only thing holding me back from being a full fledged Command and Conquer nerd, is I still quit before I ever get beat by only two hard enemies. So my record(that's saved in the computer) is still flawless. I find that sexy, if having a spotless unbeaten record that's a total lie can be sexy.
I think it is all the control and commandability that the game offers to it's player. They ability to raise you own army/military/terrorist organization is just so all empowering. I feel so modern day Napoleon-esque. I can conquer all these sorry other people how ever I chose. Even when I pick the random selection scenario, and I am given a situation without knowing what I am really logging into, I still dominate and can choose from a number of ways to execute the final coup de gras. If I want to shock and awe some poor pathetic terrorist organization, I'll send multiple Particle Cannon Laser attacks matched with a fleet of A-10 attack Warthogs. If I want to display my air superiority, then I construct an Air Force that bombs the opposing sides base to high hell!
And not to sound unpatriotic, but it is kinda fun to take on the Chinese military and stick it to those fucking arrogant sons-of-bitches, America! They just stroll around thinking that they have all this technology and training and blah blah blah. I over power them with my tank divisions and incredibly overmanned infantry which overwhelms opposing armies like a colony of ants taking over a melting Popsicle in the desert heat! Believe that, and they are just so reckless with their nuclear weapons, that I just make the other literally glow.
But the biggest slap in America's face, is when I am force to dole out a nice ass whoopin' to China and America with the G.L.A. terrorist group. I do all my shit all secretive and just make paper(money) left and right and raise up a supremely powerful and overtly sick and sinister group of war-criminals who don't take any prisoners.
So sometimes, when writing just isn't doing it for me, I'll sit down for a good hour and a half, do battle with a worthy adversary, and get out some pent up aggression. It's like when a jogger says "oh I go running to clear my mind" or "relieve tension"... I sit at a computer and annihilate opposing armies one at a time...

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Soft Spot for Spurs

Whoa now, before you go on and on about how there is no way I could ever be a Spurs fan when I claim to support the Lakers. You would be right, being a Los Angeles Laker fan, it would be like spitting on the grave of the legendary Chick Hearn, if I was to say I had a soft spot for the San Antonio Club, but I didn't. I despise that old, crappy, fundamental, un-entertaining garbage that comes out of their lame Alamo Dome, or whatever that call it. But check the dateline son, NORTH LONDON, Tottenham Hotspurs.
With that business sorted out, I must confess, that when it comes to watching the incredibly exciting English Premiere League, I secretly wear Tottenham's white and blue during the season. I began following Tottenham about two seasons ago, and aside from the entertaining free-flowing style of play, I kinda felt for the grunt ogre looking character of a coach in Martin Jol. They finished in to top half of the table that season, I think. But the next season started off miserably. Jol couldn't jumpstart the team it seamed like, and if they did managed to score, and score in numbers, well, so did the other side. So Jol was let go of pretty early in the season, and was to be replaced by the magical Juande Ramos(Spain), who immediately led the team to an exciting Carling Cup Victory over their other London Rival Chelsea.
The rest of the season was pretty indifferent in the sense that the team really didn't go anywhere. They showed sparks in numerous games with high scoring fixtures, but the end results often were barely getting a point from the match. Either way, the Hotspurs were on their way to Europe with an automatic bid into the UEFA Cup by securing their Carling Cup victory earlier that season.
It is the middle of summer, and after an amazing European Championships held earlier this summer, Tottenham fans got to witness one of their many new signings really showcase his skills for his national squad, Croatia. Luka Madric, midfield, commanded and distributed the ball with tremendous talent and ability all tournament long. Just missing a final penalty kicks in one of Croatia's last games will hopefully just seem to be a fluke, as many Spurs fans cringed watching. Overall, the player looked promising, especially for his size. I say if Lionel Messi can do it, Madric can hang, although he is kinda gangley looking himself, where as boy wonder Messi doesn't look too bad.
Since the Euro's, Tottenham has delved into the transfer market and it seems that they have the hands and offers on the table for just about every major player you could think would be or could be making a move or transfer this season. From Barcelona, Spain, to Italy, France, and back into the Premiership with the likes of Blackburn Rovers and Chelsea FC, Tottenham's office really does have their hands in tons of offers. My question is, how are they funding all these transfer bids and will the fan be affected by possible ticket hikes? Is Tottenham expecting funds for the release of players like Robbie Keane and Dmitar Berbitov? How is Juande Ramos going to fare at the beginning of this season with so much tinkering around with his squad of players? Can Tottenham make a move in to a slot of the Big Four? I hope.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My trip to the Mall the other day...

Let me begin by stating this, I do not frequent the mall. I am a grown-ass man (well maybe that's going a bit far but roll with me), and my days a chillin' at the old mall are over.
With that said, I had to go to the Chandler Mall this past week, to buy some new underwear. And the said product is not cheap. You can barely find a pair of boxers for under $10. I dont even wear underwear that ofter, but think about how much you have spent in your lifetime on underwear alone (not including dipers, although I guess that is a valid argument). Really is a frightening thought. It's not like you get that much fun out of your underwear. Even if it's sexy panties or some sex crazed underwear, it always ends up on the floor... at least in my case. But I digress.
So I was on a mission in the mall, I was not loitering around like the rest of the teenage crowd there. But I noticed immediately as you walk into the shopping center, you are just bombarded by a zillion different sweet smelling perfumes, and fruit flavored body washes sprayed in excess upon little boys and especially the little girls. Every five steps was another scent and when you walked passed a group of these little teenage girls with earphone in, connected to their fav emotional band that they just freaking love, its like walking past Bath and Body works! A dog would go crazy in a situation like this, unless properly trained(guide dogs and see eye dogs and even police trained dogs, kudos to those skilled pouches).
I had to sit down at one point because my headache had grown in to a full blown migraine from all the various scents. I think I named about nine of them, but after I mixed up Burrbery Brit with Daisy by Mark Jacobs, I just couldn't handle it any more. So I sat for a few minutes, collected my senses and made my mad dash outta that place and back to my house that smells like the Chicken parmigiana I made last night. I really feel for those hapless souls who have to work there.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rangers FC pre-season woes...

Today, I am writing about my team, my boys in blue, the Glasgow Rangers. First, to begin with, Rangers are coming off a hellishly long last season where the team played over 70 fixtures. The Rangers had to chased a unprecedented three trophies (SPL title, Scottish Cup and UEFA Cup), in one season. Although the 'Gers only finished with two, and just nearly lost the SPL titles to a controversial end of the season, finishing runner-up to their age old rivals, Celtic.
The Glasgow Rangers start this season buying two new forwards to add to their strike force(Verlika, Lafferty), as well as beefing up their already iron clad defense. But the biggest problem that will trouble the 'Gers going into this season, is they are incredibly over-run with injuries and recoveries of injured players. Their new striker, Lafferty out with a ankle injury as well as the captain, Barry Ferguson. The American, DaMarcus Beasley (DMB) out with a hamstring. The defense recently receive some blows to their armor by losing the Spanish national, Carlos Ceullar. They also lost their anchor in David Weir, who regrettably is showing their age, but he also is injured. The Rangers are starting the season with out at least five players from their core starting 11 from last season.
With all that said, all the younger boys and those who normally come off the bench will get their opportunity to show their stuff. They will need to in order to compete in Champions League play, as well as keeping up with their rivals who have made many new additions to bolster their squad. It seems Strachan realized they wont be able to bank on Rangers being so exhausted at the tail end of the season. We definitely added some depth to our squad to hopefully last through the long season ahead. We look a little discombobulated in form on the pitch, but mainly due to the lack in chemistry between new players and those who haven't played much before. But, I am hoping that with all these core players out for the start of the season, we should be able to finish strong and hopefully (fingers crossed, God, please read this!), finish with three different pieces of silverware this season!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

just another poem

Making excuses for you

He wasn’t where he was supposed to be at 11:14 pm

We said goodnight at 9:15
and I wondered
why he was so tired

It was Saturday night
and 27 missed calls
tells me he isn’t sleeping
next to his phone on the charger

My stomach tightens
and twists me into contorted shapes
in my bed sheets

I visit the toilet
head first every 20 minutes.

Cinematic love scenes
starring her and my boyfriend
reel in my mind

Some other girl
clutching him close
scratching his back
leaving all the signs for me to tell

I call him
for the 28th time
in two hours

ready and willing to accept the lies
I’ve already made for him

One reason I dont like the MLS

The point of this point is simple, and direct. It will be one of many ongoing commentaries that I will bring to light for those who may be looking into following our national soccer league, or more correctly said, Major League Soccer. Let it be known that I am not against the MLS, but I do have many views that differ from the path that the league takes. But this rant will be on only one subject that I hold against the so-called highest level of competition that our country can present.
Recently, The SuperLiga tournament started, and one of the slogans or other names for the event around the CONCACAF region is the million dollar cup... as the winning team is awarded $1,000,000 in prize money. That is a great incentive for a team to try and compete to win that prize money for the club and it's players. And yes, if one of the four invited Mexican clubs wins the tourney, their actual club and players decide what to do with the awarded cash. For example, Pechuca (a Mexican side), won the tournament last year and after winning, decided, as a team, to give the prize money to charity. The figures of cash that each player would have recieved individually would have been around $25,000 US. That's not a bad figure to be playing for as an individual player on the pitch and it definately adds some incentive, or feul to the fire.
But then you take the case of if an American side(or Toronto FC, no disrespect) were to win the tournament. You see, if an MLS team was to win the tournament, the awarded money would have to go through the MLS office first, with the top executives surely dabble their dirty little paws before giving it to the team with strict regulation on dispursement... I.E. the individual player would be looking at maybe reciving $1,500 US. Is there are problem here? I think the MLS needs to start paying their players what they deserve and what they truly earned. or tell me I am wrong?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Modern day slavery

OK, so I am way into football (not throwball... get it right, the real thing, where you actually use your feet), obviously. And I truly think the game is absolutely beautiful to watch and the players are often much more sporting then their showboating, dancing after a good play, point celebrating American counterparts. But here is a little beef I got with a select few footballers who head may have just gotten slightly too big.
A certain Cristiano Ronaldo of a very respectable Manchester United Football club has basically come out and said that his club(Manchester United) is treating him like a modern day slave because they were trying to hold on to him, rather than let him be transferred to a Spanish Club (Real Madrid... Castillian giants in Spain). And from hearing that, you may think, well, shucks, the kid wants to play elsewhere. He is no longer happy at the club and may want a change of scenery, or maybe he wants to be closer to his home country, Portugal. You may here this and feel bad for this football phenom in his early twenties with his great years ahead of him.
But let me remind you of this people. This kid is on an over 120,000 pounds a week salary and is getting bonus income from his resume of corporate sponsor and marketing rights. The kid is the star of one of the most recognizable clubs in all of football and has won multiple trophies, and titles with his manager, Sir Alex Ferguson.
Let's not go in to the life off the pitch where he shaggs all the finest birds, in fact, steals the girlfirends of other well known footballers (see Sergio Ramos of Real Madrid, who is speculated to be a part of the transfer along with an estimated 60+million pounds... rediculous, yet interesting). This kid lives in the lap of London luxury and probably doesn't have to worry about ever not having the money for the next meal. Meanwhile, you have millions of people across the world starving and/or working for next to nothing just to try and survive to their next meager check. How fair is it for this sports star to be claiming he is a modern slave?
Think about this the next time you see Cristiano Ronaldo don whatever jersey he may put on.
When he scores a goal or sends in a perfectly executed cross that results in a goal and he recieves some rediculous bonus for a job he should be doing anyways as a paid professional footballer. I wish he would look at others at his level and greater, and take a lesson in their modesty or just lack of flaunting their incredible wealth, or maybe just stop bitching...
cause if I were in his boots, I would call my self a lot of things, but slave is not one of them.
Or maybe, Cristiano Ronaldo may think about trading in his slave position for the one I find my self in, a student. Maybe he would like to be thousands of dollars in debt to school loans and be banking on a piece of paper from a University that says you can go make money now.
my two pence on the C. Ronaldo transfer issue.

writer's block

So I'm a little stuck. Call it writer's block
or whatever, but this sucks. I couldn't write
a poem right now, even if my life
depended on it.

God forbid, some sneaky Russian
held me at gunpoint
from behind and forced me to write
a ghazal
or have my brains splattered
on the paper in front of me.

It's tough to try and be a Writer.
Like actually try, and say
hey, I'm going to be a Writer.
It's like suddenly
there is nothing to write about.

My life is uninteresting
and my new boring life
has nothing worth writing about
except the terribly dull subject
of being unable to write.