Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Birthday...

Ah yes, its the day. I woke up this morning at 6:30 and ran my Siberian Husky and did my Mexican class homework. Business as usual for the most part. I cooked the Babe and I breakfast as she was getting ready to go to work. We had bacon, ham, eggs and cheese breakfast burritos with the rear sliding glass door wide open. It was extremely gorgeous out this morning, but I didn't get a chance to water my plants this morning, and I need to soon.

I got to my first class late, but like I expected, it wasn't a problem because the teacher is never on time and is extremely slow with passing around the attendance sheet. Now I am just sitting at the Computing Commons on the campus, watching next years Freshman class take a walk-through the campus' facilities.

It's always strange not being home, with my parents and little brothers and sisters, sharing my birthday with an ice cream cake from baskin robbins. Sometimes we would go to Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse, where they cook the food in front of you like live entertainment. Sometimes we would go to Capri's Italian restaurant, where I would make excuses to go to the restroom so I could waste time between ordering and eating. I'd stop off in front of the window and talk to John, and when I saw my family table's food, I retrurned to enjoy it.

I really miss my family back home. But its weird to come to the realization that I'm no longer a little kid and my little brother and sisters are not so little any more. Another day in my quarter life crisis. and I'm fucking loving it. Thanks for the life you all gave me family. love you guys.

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