Thursday, October 30, 2008

the great hallows'eve!

yup yup, its the day before halloween, and I'M LOVIN IT MATE! by the way, let me clarify this, as my teacher got this confused, "mate" is not necessarily australian, its english first! most australians are decendants from UK criminals, so SORT YOURSELF OUT, MATE! and now, with that out of the way... its the day before the old halloween, like the greatest holiday ever.

my old friend jack is coming down from the verde valley to spend the night or two at the spot. he knows that if he was going to have any kind of good time on halloween, he needed to come down to the old phoenix area.

i dont really have a costume yet, but if i really want to dress up, i can bust out an old karate gi(suit), or bust out my robin hood costume... yea, i got skills like that. anyways...

if you havent been following the footie recently, youre crazy mate. the premiership is absolutely amazing! its the coolest reality television show/challenge ever. and i must say, tottenham will be saved yet mate! big ol 'arry (harry) rednapp is going to steer out ship to the promise land... or maybe just the middle of the table. we drew against our north london rivals, arsenal, 4-4. sweet, and things are looking up!

Rangers are only 3 points behind celtic in the SPL, but with a game in hand. so not to worried, its still wicked early. RANGERS FOR THE TITLE! i love footie...
oh and lakers are 2-0!!!!!
word son.

1 comment:

A bird said...
