Sunday, July 20, 2008

My trip to the Mall the other day...

Let me begin by stating this, I do not frequent the mall. I am a grown-ass man (well maybe that's going a bit far but roll with me), and my days a chillin' at the old mall are over.
With that said, I had to go to the Chandler Mall this past week, to buy some new underwear. And the said product is not cheap. You can barely find a pair of boxers for under $10. I dont even wear underwear that ofter, but think about how much you have spent in your lifetime on underwear alone (not including dipers, although I guess that is a valid argument). Really is a frightening thought. It's not like you get that much fun out of your underwear. Even if it's sexy panties or some sex crazed underwear, it always ends up on the floor... at least in my case. But I digress.
So I was on a mission in the mall, I was not loitering around like the rest of the teenage crowd there. But I noticed immediately as you walk into the shopping center, you are just bombarded by a zillion different sweet smelling perfumes, and fruit flavored body washes sprayed in excess upon little boys and especially the little girls. Every five steps was another scent and when you walked passed a group of these little teenage girls with earphone in, connected to their fav emotional band that they just freaking love, its like walking past Bath and Body works! A dog would go crazy in a situation like this, unless properly trained(guide dogs and see eye dogs and even police trained dogs, kudos to those skilled pouches).
I had to sit down at one point because my headache had grown in to a full blown migraine from all the various scents. I think I named about nine of them, but after I mixed up Burrbery Brit with Daisy by Mark Jacobs, I just couldn't handle it any more. So I sat for a few minutes, collected my senses and made my mad dash outta that place and back to my house that smells like the Chicken parmigiana I made last night. I really feel for those hapless souls who have to work there.

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