Friday, August 15, 2008

pedro mendes signing

I should point out first, that I will be now posting all the emails I send into the World Soccer Daily Sirius Satellite Radio Show (WSD). This is just so I can keep track of what I send to them and, if needs be, they could too! I am trying to get an internship with them, down in Redondo Beach, CA. Plus, its a way for you out there to read and keep up with lots of soccer news that I find important.

Hey boys,

It is just me Rafael, out here in Tempe. We are in the middle of our monsoon season, which makes the desert humid and hot, with cloud coverage, lots of lightning, and hardly any rain… depressing really. And how about that Nastia Luekin, smoking hot, even the runner up, Shaun. (sp.?), the small one, has an astounding body, just at miniature side. But I digress.

What I am really writing for is about Rangers. Well, the ‘Gers and our pal’s, Chuck Culpepper’s favorite, Pedro Mendes. According to the Rangers home website, we acquired Mendes for $3million pounds. I think the Portuguese midfielder will help out a great deal. He may be getting on, but Rangers always have trouble with injuries and the SPL isn’t the known for its friendly style of play. I really hope he opens up the midfield some and maybe even brings a more attacking style of football to the Ibrox.

I was wondering if you thought the light blues were going to continue to improve their roster? I believe they sold Carlos Cuellar for $13 million pounds, so we should have some funds to throw at some quality players soon. Hopefully we still have enough time?

Rafael in Tempe

Ps… Kenny, are the Ibrox and Murray Park synonymous?

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