Thursday, October 30, 2008

the great hallows'eve!

yup yup, its the day before halloween, and I'M LOVIN IT MATE! by the way, let me clarify this, as my teacher got this confused, "mate" is not necessarily australian, its english first! most australians are decendants from UK criminals, so SORT YOURSELF OUT, MATE! and now, with that out of the way... its the day before the old halloween, like the greatest holiday ever.

my old friend jack is coming down from the verde valley to spend the night or two at the spot. he knows that if he was going to have any kind of good time on halloween, he needed to come down to the old phoenix area.

i dont really have a costume yet, but if i really want to dress up, i can bust out an old karate gi(suit), or bust out my robin hood costume... yea, i got skills like that. anyways...

if you havent been following the footie recently, youre crazy mate. the premiership is absolutely amazing! its the coolest reality television show/challenge ever. and i must say, tottenham will be saved yet mate! big ol 'arry (harry) rednapp is going to steer out ship to the promise land... or maybe just the middle of the table. we drew against our north london rivals, arsenal, 4-4. sweet, and things are looking up!

Rangers are only 3 points behind celtic in the SPL, but with a game in hand. so not to worried, its still wicked early. RANGERS FOR THE TITLE! i love footie...
oh and lakers are 2-0!!!!!
word son.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Birthday...

Ah yes, its the day. I woke up this morning at 6:30 and ran my Siberian Husky and did my Mexican class homework. Business as usual for the most part. I cooked the Babe and I breakfast as she was getting ready to go to work. We had bacon, ham, eggs and cheese breakfast burritos with the rear sliding glass door wide open. It was extremely gorgeous out this morning, but I didn't get a chance to water my plants this morning, and I need to soon.

I got to my first class late, but like I expected, it wasn't a problem because the teacher is never on time and is extremely slow with passing around the attendance sheet. Now I am just sitting at the Computing Commons on the campus, watching next years Freshman class take a walk-through the campus' facilities.

It's always strange not being home, with my parents and little brothers and sisters, sharing my birthday with an ice cream cake from baskin robbins. Sometimes we would go to Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse, where they cook the food in front of you like live entertainment. Sometimes we would go to Capri's Italian restaurant, where I would make excuses to go to the restroom so I could waste time between ordering and eating. I'd stop off in front of the window and talk to John, and when I saw my family table's food, I retrurned to enjoy it.

I really miss my family back home. But its weird to come to the realization that I'm no longer a little kid and my little brother and sisters are not so little any more. Another day in my quarter life crisis. and I'm fucking loving it. Thanks for the life you all gave me family. love you guys.

okie smokie...

so i had to write a poem with three blanks in the space for words... so here a little poem, inspired by a short story i wrote entitled... crazy i know, follow follow. anyways, lots of ways you can take this poem, and thats why i like it...

Follow Follow

The deep dark stench of warm keg stout beer, along with
burning Backwood’s cigars from the Quickie on Paisley, fills
the lungs with every half breath. Singing and shouting with the mates
at The Grapes Bar: We will follow Rangers!

Anywhere, Everywhere, we will follow on mate.
Donald swears to me from his barstool on my left.
Dundee, Hamilton, the Pope and Vatican!
His breath reeks of celebratory sectarian alcoholism.

My runny yellow eggs began to mesh into the wet black beans,
Soggy mushrooms, and grayish black pudding. I use two rubber pieces
of bacon and one plastic link of sausage as make-shift utensils.
The bagpipes, like the consumption of liquor, have been ongoing
since the doors opened at 6am GMT.

swings his arm around for a resounding chorus rendition.
Celtic know all about their troubles.
We will ‘til the day is done.
The blind hatred in his dizzy drunk stare is deathly strange.
For there’s not a team like the Glasgow Rangers.
No not one, and there never shall be one.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Champions League and FIFA 09!

Word up every one. I just miss you all so much, and I really haven't been spending much time with you guys, but I have a very good excuse. I am trying to finish school already. Geez! Gimme a break! But for reals, I am trying to finish up the old escuela out here in Tempe, AZ. Don't get me wrong, it's nice out her and all, but there is nothing like waking up in California.

So I am coming back! Maybe not exactly to the desert, but I am moving to the coast where I belong already. We are hoping to settle some where in Huntington Beach, California, which wold be a daily blessing for me if that came true. I am for sure going to work for World Soccer Daily, so pick up the Sirius Satellite radio or start downloading the podcast from the itunes. It is incredibly interesting and fun, honestly. Who doesn't like to listen to gentleman with English accents argue back and forth about their sport. Its amazing.

Speaking of football. Champions Leaugue is this week and I'm telling you all to watch it because it is the top level of competition in Europe, which really means the top level of competition in the world as most of the world's best players, play in Europe. So this Tuesday and Wedneday check out ESPN 2 during the day to keep up with the excitement. Big names will be playing. Manchester United will play Celtic. Liverpool are playing Athletico Madrid (where el nino came from). Barcelona, Marseille, FC Porto, Arsenal, Chelsea, Roman, Fenerbahce, all will play mid week during a group stage round of play or Champions League.

And finally, before I make my mad dash back to class. FIFA 09 is out and it kicks ass. I will be taking challengers as they come, and I will dominate each of them, sending then crying back to their mothers. Word/

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ah! I'm Alive, I swear!

Ok everyone, lets not fret. I'm still here and still kicking, and kicking strong I'd say. I am just so super busy, and in case you weren't in the know about the haps, I'm about three months away from moving back to california! Yea Boy!

So things have been a little stressful. I am going to walk in December... SWEET! I have spent so much time out here the past five years that I am really glad to just accomplish the goal. Yea, again, I know it took forever. It just took some time for me to figure out my nitch in this collegiate world. I mean who could tell me in high school that I was going to be a writer.

So I am trying to finish up school, all while trying to force through a proposal for an internship in Redondo Beach, which would be one of the last credits needed for my actual deploma. That is a task in it's own. My school is kinda lame in the way in makes you do all this excess tedious work, when things could really be made a lot easier in this day and age. Like paperwork! Who fills this stuff out and transport it from place to place by hand. Why are we killing trees for this senseless waste. Paper should be save only for books in my opinion.

I'm begining to ramble, but its been so long, that I've really lost touch with where I'm going, where I've been, and where am I at now, which is one of the reason I writing. My mom used to have a copied cartoon on her office wall that had the phrase "I'm so far behind, I think I'm First!" Thats about what I have been feeling. I'd like to be far ahead, but certain task and problems jump in the way. Like moving endless sheets of paper between my english, history and interdisciplinary studies advisors(when the last one should really be the one will the solution, but no!).

I am being critiqued today by some published poet and my workshop. I wrote this "peculiar fetish" poem about my pen fetish... and it has spawned into my idea of a volume of poems about my pen addiction, so there are a couple of my pen poems up for discussion, and im a littel nervous. its really lighthearted word play with my weapons of choice, the writing utensil. I just hope this published poet can dig the idea. We shall see.

I went home last weekend, to visit my family. They are amazing, and beautiful, and so is their home. I would never call my home anything but a home. A house is something you can live in, spend time in, maybe even decorate, but a house has stories, history, and meaning behind every piece of tile, wood, and concrete used, as well as the blood, sweat, tears, arguments, hugs and kisses. All of these make for such a foundation as to establish my home's meaning to me and my family. I moved once before I moved to arizona, and it was only rooms. I'm glad I lived in the same home my entire life, and I am glad I can alway fall back and rely on the strength of my house to refuel me, replenish my soul, and recharge the battery inside me to keep doing what I am doing, and that is living the dream that my family gave me, in the home on 620 South Camino Real.